Boost Your Business with Muncly’s Salesforce B2B Implementation Services

Start your Salesforce B2B Implementation with a complimentary consultation and explore how we can adapt Salesforce solutions to your unique business context.

Trusted all around the world

What we do

We Revolutionize Business Operations with Salesforce B2B Implementation Services

Muncly is dedicated to assisting businesses in their Salesforce B2B implementation journey, offering expert consultancy services to dissect needs, establish objectives, and devise strategic plans for enduring success in the digital landscape.

Our Services

Full Cycle of Salesforce B2B Implementation Services for Your Business

Business Analysis​

Our process starts with a detailed analysis of your company’s requirements. Through insightful questioning, we develop a holistic understanding of your operations, which allows us to pinpoint your precise needs. This approach guarantees the delivery of bespoke Salesforce B2B implementation services designed for maximum impact.


We partner with you to architect customized Salesforce solutions, identify specific challenges within your business, educate your stakeholders, and ready your organization for the smooth integration of new digital tools. Our commitment to your success is unwavering.


Our goal is to customize the Salesforce B2B commerce implementation to match your business needs seamlessly. Our strategy includes developing custom elements when required and integrating your unique business logic. We also leverage existing market solutions when appropriate, ensuring a balance between efficiency and effectiveness.

Maintenance & Support

Upon project launch, we work hand-in-hand with your team, providing comprehensive support and training for a seamless transition. Post-launch, we continue to maintain and optimize your Salesforce system, ensuring its sustained effectiveness and operation. Our ongoing support evolves with your changing needs and the dynamic digital marketplace.

Ready to Elevate Your Business?

How we work

Three Clear Steps in Our Salesforce B2B Implementation Services

As your Salesforce B2B implementation partner, we aim to make collaborating with us as straightforward as possible. In our Salesforce B2B line of service, we have distilled it into three transparent steps.

01 - Discovery

We begin with a discovery session to discuss your business challenges and assess potential Salesforce solutions. This foundational phase ensures that our services are in perfect alignment with your needs.

02 - Delivery

From customer portals to advanced Salesforce systems with reorder features, discount management, and more, we are committed to delivering on our promises.

03 - Hypercare

We’re with you every step of the way. Once delivered, we provide comprehensive support for your new Salesforce system, ensuring a smooth launch and a seamless handover process.

What we did

We Deliver Promptly and Have Cases to Showcase

Ready to Elevate Your Business?

how to start

What are the next steps to begin with our Salesforce B2B Implementation services?

First, schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our expert Salesforce consultants. It’s absolutely free and comes with zero obligations.

Share about your project

Share about your project

Start by sharing the details of your project. The more we know about your business, the better we can tailor Salesforce B2B implementation to meet your needs.

Connect with the right consultant

Connect with the right consultant

Once we understand your project details, we will assign a consultant who is the best fit for your business needs. They will work closely with you, providing guidance and support throughout the implementation process.



We start configuring Salesforce to meet your specific business needs, integrating it with your existing systems, and training your team on how to use it effectively.

what they say

What Our Customer Say

Ready to Elevate Your Business?


Frequently Asked Questions about Salesforce B2B Implementation Services

Can Salesforce be used for B2B?

Absolutely, Salesforce is a highly versatile platform extensively used for B2B operations. It is specifically designed to provide a seamless, connected, and personalized buying experience for business customers. Salesforce allows businesses to create custom catalogs, pricing, and promotions for their B2B customers, thereby enhancing the customer experience and fostering long-term relationships.
Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud integrates with other Salesforce clouds, providing a unified view of the customer across sales, service, marketing, and commerce. This data-driven insight enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences, streamline business processes, and make informed decisions that align with their business goals and objectives.

What is B2B implementation?

B2B implementation refers to the process of setting up and customizing a platform or system, like Salesforce, to facilitate business transactions between two businesses. This involves understanding the business requirements, configuring the system to meet these requirements, and integrating the system with other business operations.
The goal of B2B implementation is to streamline business processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience. This is achieved through features like automated order processing, real-time inventory management, and personalized customer portals. Successful Salesforce B2B implementation services require extensive experience and valuable insights into both the technology and the specific industry.

What is the benefit of Salesforce B2B commerce?

Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation offers numerous benefits to businesses. It helps streamline operations, improve customer relationships, and increase sales. By providing a unified view of the customer across all channels, Salesforce B2B Commerce enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences and build stronger relationships with their customers.
A well-performed Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation provides businesses with the tools they need to manage complex B2B transactions, including custom catalogs, pricing, and promotions. It also integrates with other Salesforce clouds, allowing businesses to leverage data from sales, service, marketing, and commerce to make informed decisions and drive business growth. This comprehensive, data-driven approach empowers businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace.
For those seeking professional assistance, working with a Salesforce B2B implementation partner ensures that your transition to Salesforce B2B Commerce is seamless and effective. A Salesforce B2B implementation partner brings expertise, industry knowledge, and tailored solutions to maximize the benefits of Salesforce B2B implementation services.

Is Salesforce a B2B or B2C?

Salesforce offers robust solutions for both B2B and B2C companies. Its B2B Commerce solution is designed to help businesses create seamless interactions with other businesses, while its B2C Commerce solution is tailored for businesses selling directly to consumers. Both solutions are built on the same platform, allowing for a seamless experience and a single view of the customer across all channels.
Salesforce’s flexibility and scalability make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and types. Whether your business model is B2B, B2C, or a combination of both, Salesforce provides the tools and insights you need to succeed in today’s digital marketplace.

Is CRM good for B2B?

Yes, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system like Salesforce is extremely beneficial for B2B companies. It helps manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, which can lead to improved business relationships, increased sales, and enhanced customer service. CRM systems provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings and interactions accordingly.
CRM systems can automate various business processes, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency. They can also integrate with other business systems, providing a holistic view of the business operations. This data-driven approach allows businesses to make informed decisions, align their strategies with their business objectives, and drive business growth.

What is Salesforce B2B commerce?

Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation is a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to create seamless and personalized buying experiences for their business customers. It provides businesses with the tools they need to build and manage online storefronts, create personalized customer experiences, and manage complex B2B transactions.
Salesforce B2B Commerce is built on the Salesforce platform, which means it integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce clouds. This allows businesses to have a unified view of their customers across all channels, enabling them to deliver personalized experiences and build stronger relationships with their customers.

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Let's Craft Your Salesforce Strategy Today

Got questions? We’re here to help! At Muncly, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service.

Whether you have questions about ecommerce solutions, need help with your existing setup, or have any other CRM questions, our team is ready to assist you.